奖项揭晓 | 2024 ASLA大奖公布:缺席2年,中国景观事务所强势回归!
近日,美国景观建筑师协会 American Society of Landscape Architects(ASLA)官方杂志Landscape Architecture Magazine(LAM)在9月刊中公布了ASLA Professional Awards 2024的获奖名单。其中,美国老牌景观公司Design Workshop再次夺得多个类别的大奖,Studio-MLA获得ASLA/IFLA全球影响力大奖;Mario Schjetnan, FASLA Grupo de Diseno Urbano S.C.获得地标奖。
在经历连续两年中国事务所的空窗期之后,本届ASLA两家中国事务所土人设计(泰国曼谷班加科特森林公园、西安雁南公园城市阳台)和Z’scape 致舍景观(荒野花园和草甸剧场)的三个项目上榜!
2024ASLA专业奖评审团由Glenn LaRue Smith 和 Jennifer Nitzky 担任主席,从465 个参赛作品中选出了38 个优秀项目,其中4个项目被评为卓越奖。Sara Jensen Carr的“The Topography of Wellness”获得“Communications”类别卓越奖;Sasaki的“Designing with a Carbon Conscience”获得“Research”类别卓越奖;Studio Bellesi Giuntoli的“A Green Ring for the Ancient City of Pompeii”获得“Analysis & Planning”类别卓越奖;Perkins&Will的“Atlanta BeltLine”获得“Urban Design”类别卓越奖。今年ASLA/IFLA Global Impact Award全球影响力奖授予景观所事务所Studio-MLA的项目 “Puente Hills Landfill Park Implementation Plan”。该奖项旨在表彰通过解决气候影响的设计,形成可扩展的解决方案,并遵守气候行动承诺。Studio-MLA的项目将曾经全国第二大的垃圾填埋场改造成公园,对区域植物群落进行恢复,以支持公园的场地建设,并演变成一个气候弹性的景观,丰富居民的社会结构和个人健康。
Mario Schjetnan, FASLA Grupo de Diseno Urbano S.C.设计的位于墨西哥的 Xochimilco生态公园获得地标奖Landmark Award,该项目”旨在恢复一个失去的生态系统,自然和人工环境的融合支持所有生命形式。“地标奖的评判标准不仅仅是时间,还有为其服务的社区带来的持续价格以及项目设计表达的持续相关性。 2024 ASLA Awards
Xochimilco Ecological Park设计团队:Mario Schjetnan, FASLAGrupo de Diseno Urbano S.C.EcoCommons: Social and Ecological Resilience in the campus Landscape设计团队:Nelson Byrd Woltz Landscape Architects,New York CityAlpine Garden and AmphitheaterBenjakitti Forest Park: Transforming a Brownfield into Urban Nature
设计团队:Turenscape, Beijing, and Arsomsilp Community and Environment Architect,Bangkok
Tom Lee Park: “Come to the River"设计团队:SCAPE Landscape Architecture DPC,New York City, and Studio Gang,ChicagoThe Bay: “One Park for All” in Sarasota设计团队:Agency Landscape + PlanningCambridge, MassachusettsSandy Hook Memorial: The Clearing设计团队:SWA Group,San FranciscoAfrican Ancestors Memorial Garden设计团队:Hood Design StudioOakland, California
Louisiana Children's Museum: A Joyous Landscape in City ParkSt. John's Terminal: An Ecology for Technology and Innovation设计团队:Future Green StudioBrooklyn, New YorkThe Topography of Wellness设计团队:Sara Jensen Carr, ASLANortheastern University, Boston
What 's Out There Guide to African American Cultural Landscapes设计团队:The Cultural Landscape FoundationWashington, D.C.
Connecting to Our Indigenous Histories at Machicomoco State Park设计团队:Nelson Byrd Woltz Landscape ArchitectsCharlottesville, VirginiaThe Community First Toolkit: A Framework for Equitable Public Spaces设计团队:Grayscale Collaborative,Cambridge, Massachusetts, and Urban Institute,Washington, D.C.
2023 Coastal Master Plan: A Plan for Louisiana's Coastal Communities设计团队:SCAPE Landscape Architecture DPC,New York City
设计团队:Emily Schlickman, ASLA, and Brett Milligan, ASLAUniversity of California, DavisDesigning with a Carbon Conscience
Assessing Public Space Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Tempe Study设计团队:Design Workshop, Inc.Aspen, Colorado
Landscape Architecture for Sea Level Rise: Innovative Global Solutions设计团队:Galen D.Newman, FASLA, and Zixu QiaoTexas A&M University, College Station, TexasRace and the Control of Public Parks设计团队:Isaac Cohen, ASLA, and buildingcommunityWORKSHOPDallas